Monday, January 25, 2010

SBA 4432 CAT SEM2 2009-2010

The course gives emphasis on human comfort and energy saving concept and criteria in architecture and building design. The scope of the architecture solutions may be passive or mechanical that illustrates climatic understanding and the use of appropriate technological solutions in architecture design with particular emphasis on tropical climate.

• To review the influence of climate on architecture on both human comfort and environmental consideration
• To explore passive and mechanical solutions for comfort and energy conservation
• To provide platform for innovative ideas on climatic architecture, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency technology in building design application.

(from student’s perspective)
• Able to outline environmental issues in relation to energy consumption in built environment and modern lifestyle.
• Able to outline basic design principles contributing to human comfort and energy conservation.
• Able to anticipate as a designer the aspect of human comfort and energy implication in relation to the specific architectural solution.
• Able to apply climatic responsive design in related design project.
• Able to work in team, communicate effectively in written and verbal forms.


1 Introduction of the course & Introduction to the Environmental Architecture, Building Climatology and Climatic Architecture Technology
2 Lec : Energy for development
3 Lec : Energy Consumption and environmental issues.
4 Lec : Green Building – Background, Concept & initiatives
Energy Conservation : Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency concept and initiatives. Briefing on Assignment 1 & 2"
5 Lec : Understanding Thermal Comfort Criteria and Design Response to climate condition.
6 Principles of Sustainable Architectural Design and Practice : Case Study Presentation 1
7 Test 1 & Presentation of Assignment 1
8 Passive and Active Cooling Technology. Solar Control and Daylighting Technology. Presentation of Assignment 1 & Asignment 2
9 Semester Break
10 Lec Input Renewable Energy Technology for building.- PV System, BIPV, Solar Heating etc Presentation of Assignment 1
11 Energy Efficiency Technologies - EE lighting, EE cooling, EE office equipment, etc. & Asignment 3
12 Lec Input Integrated Energy Building Design, Energy Management System & Intelligent building.
13 Lecture Integrated Energy Building Design, Energy Management System & Intelligent building. & Test
14 Energy Audit in building, EE Building & Building Maintenance. & Group Work Assignment 3
15 Case Study Presentation Assigmnet 3

Schedule of Meeting

9th March 2010 ... TEST

23th Feb 2010 ... 2nd March 2010
- Progress data analysis on Energy Audit of Sekolah Islam Hidayah
- Bring along all data and photos gathered.
- 2.00pm Building Sc Lab.

26th January 2010: (preparation of the presentation materials)
- 2 presentation to be given at SRIH/SMIH (in group)
>>>> G1: Fenomena Kepanasan Glibal & Perubahan Cuaca.
>>>> G2: Kecekapan Tenaga di Bangunan - peranan murid-murid.

Please prepare the above slides for my comment.
Start at 2.30pm @ Building Sc Lab.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Assignment & Course Output.

Title/Theme: Energy Efficiency Awareness, Management and Maintenance in School.


To understand environmental & energy awareness issues.
To understand climatic principles in relation to indoor environmental quality.
To understand and analyse building design characteristic in relation to human comfort criteria.
To understand and investigate building maintenance issues.
To understand and implement Simple Energy Management Program in Building
To produce report writing and verbal presentation.

This assignment require investigation of two (2) main areas :-

1. Building Operation & Maintenance.
Background information of the building & its occupants
Examine the building design and construction in relation to climatic design principles.
Examine the building operation and and maintenance.
Examine building maintenance issues and identify causes and potential solutions.
Proposed improvement strategies on building maintenance and operations through retrofitting such as;
Propose appropriate strategy and approach to improve;
Building condition.
Occupants Comfort.
Proposed improvement strategies through behavioral change;
To enhanced maintenance behavior and practices,
Other methods to improve building condition.

2. Energy Management Program
Examine the building operation and management system, structure and practices in the organisation.
Investigate indoor building condition and the level of comfort condition provided for the occupant / building users.
Carry out walk through energy audit – you may audit the whole building or only a typical floor (verify with your tutor).
Investigate actual monthly energy consumption from monthly bill or energy meter reading.
Identify any information of previous and current energy consumption recorded from electricity bill and through meter readings.
Identify and measure total floor area (AC & Without AC)
Carry out energy audit of all types of electrical light fittings, AC & ventilation systems, office/electrical appliances used in the building.
Identify and calculate hours of used daily, monthly and annually

Carry out survey on the EE awareness, knowledge and practice level among occupant in the building.
Interviews using questionnaire distributed to; - Building Users, - Building operator (if any).
Observations and Records any significant information related to users behaviors and building condition in relation to energy consumption patterns
Identify & records any potential of Energy Saving Measures (ESMs).
Calculate; - total energy consumption & load apportioning ; determine BEI, AEI, LEI, OEI, OCI.
Proposed improvement strategies and Energy Saving Measures (ESMs) such as through retrofitting;
Introducing innovative solution to building deterioration, comfort problem and energy wastage.
Enhanced EE by introducing passive and/ore active design solution.
Other method to improve building condition & EE.
Analysis, discussion and conclusions.

Output/Submission Requirement:
Report on A4.
Softcopy (CD) ;
MS Words
Slides MS PowerPoint.
1A2 sheets (summary).
First briefing: Week 4
Submission & Seminar Presentation : Week 12 to 14.
Marks allocation: 40%